Developing a Monorepo Web App and Library with Vite, Contentful, React, TailwindCSS, and Storybook


Monorepos are becoming increasingly popular for developing web applications and libraries. A monorepo is a single repository that contains all of the code for a project, including the code for the application, the library, and any other dependencies. This can make code management and collaboration easier, and it can also help to improve code quality.

This post will teach you how to develop a monorepo web app and library using Vite, Contentful, React, TailwindCSS, and Storybook. These technologies are all very popular and well-supported, and they can help you to build fast, scalable, and secure web applications.

In this post, you will able to:

  • Use Contentful to manage the content for your web app

  • Build the user interface for your web app with React

  • Style your web app with TailwindCSS

  • Use Storybook to test and document your React components

  • Version your project

  • Deploy your app

  • Publish your library to npm

By the end of this post, you will have a working monorepo web app and library that you can deploy to production and publish to npm.

How to use it?

You can find the repo here and cloned


To provide static content from Contentful, first of all you need to do is create an `.env` file in the root of your app:

Then go to Contentful and create an account, once you have access go to:

Settings > API Keys > Add API Key. Copy the values and add these three variables to your .env file:


Now you can start adding static content to your app.

To see your app in your machine, using your terminal go to the root of the project and run pnpm install and then npm run dev , doing this now you can see the only component created (at-button)

Now you can start developing your own components in your library (packages/library-sb) and using them in your app, to achieve this, you need to export them from the library-sb/src/index.ts, every element exported from that file, is going to be accessible from your app.

Everything else is documented in the project README file. For further information reach me out!